The Pittis Carillon has been removed from Grace Church

The Epsicopal Diocese of New Jersey and Warden of Grace Church has removed from the tower and sold the Pittis Carillon without notice to the Pittis family, the City of Plainfield and concerned community members.  This devasting news was discovered while attempting to gain access to the tower to toll the bells in memory of Albert Pittis who was a lifelong supporter of the carillon.

The topic was addressed at the February 10, 2025 meeting of the Plainfield City Council.

00:10:20 – Presentation of Resolution Honoring Life and Legacy of Albert Pittis – Council Vice President Sessomes
00:13:24 – Jim Spear accepts the resolution on behalf of the Pittis Family
01:38:44 – Jeff Spelman, former Grace carillonneur, speaks out about the removal of the carillon
02:03:34 – Carolyn Pittis, daughter of Albert, speaks about her father’s legacy and removal of carillon
02:54:38 – Plainfield Mayor Adrian Mapp responds to removal of carillon and promises to seek justice for the Pittis family.

The bells and other historic church artifacts were sold to a for-profit church salvage company Church Services Group in Freeland, PA.